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  A C++ program puzzle

Recently I came across a question asked by wang2191195 on a Chinese IT forum CSDN which asks about a C++ program puzzle. He has a code snippet which cannot be compiled. The code is:#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base{ public: virtual void func(){ cout << "Base::func()" << endl; } virtual int func( int num ){ cout << "Base::func( int " << num << " )" << endl; return 0; ...

   C++,Puzzle,Hide,Overload     2012-05-13 02:31:26

  The magic of go:linkname

When writing Go program, there is frequent need on using time.Sleep() function to pause the logic for some time. And if jumping to the definition of this function, can see below definition: // Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d. // A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately. func Sleep(d Duration) I's strange that there is no function body defined here. What happened? The actual definition of the function body is residing at runtime/time.go&nb...

   TRICKS,GO:LINKNAME,GOLANG     2022-04-10 08:39:00

  Introduction to GoLang generics and advanced usage

Generics in Go allow you to write code that can work with multiple types of data, without having to write separate versions of the code for each type. This can make your code more flexible and easier to maintain, as you only need to write and test the code once, rather than maintaining multiple versions. To use generics in Go, you first need to define a type parameter, which is a placeholder for the type that the code will work with. For example, you might define a type parameter called "T" like...

   GOLANG,GENERICS     2022-12-17 05:12:21

  Ensuring Go Interface Implementation: A Quick Guide

Introduction Go's simplicity and power shine in its interface system, offering a clean way to define contracts between types. However, when it comes to checking whether a struct satisfies an interface, Go's static typing philosophy means there isn't a direct runtime check. In this concise guide, we'll explore practical methods, including some lesser-known tricks, to verify whether a struct implements an interface. Method 1: Type Assertion and a Dummy Method package main import "fmt" type MyInt...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG,IMPLEMENTS     2023-11-25 21:36:01

  Be careful about printing error as string in GoLang

In GoLang, we can format and produce string using fmt.Printf(), just like C, GoLang also supports format verbs like %s, %d which can be placeholder for different types of values. But please pay attention when printing error as string so that you will not fall into some trap. Let's first take an example code snippet and see what trap we are talking about. package main import "fmt" type A string func (a A) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s is an error", a) } func main() { a := A("hello...

   STACKOVERFLOW,GOLANG,FMT     2019-01-23 09:17:15

  Understanding Slice Behavior in Go

In Go, understanding how slices behave when passed to functions is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. This behavior is often a source of confusion for many developers, especially those new to the language. In this article, we'll explore the difference between passing slices by value and by reference, and how it impacts the modification of slices within functions. Introduction In Go, slices are a fundamental data structure used to work with sequences of elements. They are essentiall...


  A mini post on GoLang context

In a GoLang web server, every request coming in will be handled by a goroutine. In the request handler, the logic may also need to create new goroutine to handle other tasks like RPC call. When the request is processed and response is returned, these goroutines created need to be exited so that no goroutine leak should happen. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" ) func main() { http.HandleFunc("/echo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Println(&r) w.Write(...

   CONTEXT,GOLANG     2019-12-14 06:21:02

  Be careful about nil check on interface in GoLang

nil check is frequently seen in GoLang code especially for error check since GoLang's special error handling convention. In most cases, nil check is straight forward, but in interface case, it's a bit different and special care needs to be taken. Take a look at below code snippet and guess what the output will be. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" ) func check(w io.Writer) { if w != nil { fmt.Println("w is not nil") } fmt.Printf("w is %+v\n", w) } func main() { var b *bytes.B...


  Restore mocked variables in GoLang unit test

One of the guarding principles of writing unit test is that there should be no real external calls for dependant services. Unit test should run by its own and can run without issues on any environment including local, build, test environment. This indicates there should be some mock responses whenever an external call is needed so that different unit test scenarios can be covered. How can this be done in GoLang? In GoLang, anything can be assigned to a variable even including functions. A variab...


  Empty slice vs nil slice in GoLang

In Go, there is a type called slice which is built on top of array. It's a very convenient type when we want to handle a group of data. This post will explain a subtle but tricky difference between empty slice and nil slice. A nil slice is a slice has a length and capacity of zero and has no underlying array. The zero value of slice is nil. If a slice is declared like below, it is a nil slice. package main import "fmt" func main() { var a []string fmt.Println(a == nil) } The output will be t...

   GOLANG,JSON,EMPTY SLICE,NIL SLICE     2018-10-18 09:25:21